"My Story is all about Miracles, that happened to me, after I worked on my vices and completely uprooted my smoking and drinking habits. I also crushed my own ego, when I asked for forgiveness from all those people, whom I believed, that I have done wrong. I started believing in myself and even walked away from my soul crushing 9-5 Job, where I felt stuck for more than 3 years.
Being born in a Traditional Indian Family, I was conditioned to live a life according to the societal norms and traditions, I was taught to remain silent in difficult situations, I was never encouraged to follow my passion and rather humiliated by my own family for my own choices. I was mentally abused in school, during my childhood, because of being an average student and also for being my authentic self as I always resisted to fit in to the hypnotised and broken Education System.
2017 – 2022
Real Struggles started in my life, after my post-graduation, when my first job from college placements turned out to be a scam and I had to work there for 2 months without remuneration. Finally, I had to come back to my hometown and prepare for Govt Exams, where I couldn’t find much success, so I decided to knock at corporates to find a job. I started working in a Sales Profile in an Insurance Company and was doing well, until I did a blunder by switching to an Insurance Broking Firm in Operations Profile. I was lured by their Corporate Clients base, which was mostly Indian PSU’s. This 9-5 job was extremely soul-crushing for me, because I was not growing as a person, but still due to gainful employment, I kept my patience for more than 3 years, until 20th June 2022, when I finally got the courage to resign from the toxicity, which I was facing there.
May 2022 – Till now
I was at my rock bottom & was broken, when I prayed to the Universe to relieve me from this unbearable pain.I had to witness ""The Dark night of the Soul"" phase in my life and after that, I started experiencing the divine presence in my Life, it was a magical journey, full of surprises and blessings.
My Life changed, when I was awakened to the truth by the Universe – We exist in an illusionary world, until we start reflecting on our patterns and work on them. Decades of Social Conditioning and Centuries of Generational Curses keeps us in the same pattern of living a mundane life with nothing new to do for the World, so it is our duty to become fearless and take bold actions on ourselves.
Our Inner World is what we truly are, so we need to clean our own selves and move ahead with the intention of creating impact and service to the whole world.
The Universe failed me multiple times in both my career and personal relationships, tested my hardwork, patience, hunger for growth and intentions and I never gave up on myself and always picked myself up.
Even in the worst situations, where I had to fight alone, where my own people did not support me, where I felt horrible about my life, I had the belief, trust and faith in the Universe, that someday, my pain will be understood, my struggles will pay off and I will be able to send this message to the society – “We are all Limitless Beings and we will all grow out of our Limited Mindset”.
I had the belief within me and I wanted to share my story to the whole world. The Universe rewarded me with 2 amazing journeys in my life – My journey of becoming the best version of myself, which started with the ""SUPER SPEAKER JOURNEY"" & my amazing journey of Inner Work – My ""SPIRITUAL ASCENSION JOURNEY"".
A Decade ago, I had a dream as I always use to believe and say that – there is a need of Educational Revolution in the World. It got manifested in form of Success Gyan Academy, which is now revolutionizing India to become the Training Capital of the World, which makes me more joyful to see, how the Universe gives us more than what we ask for.
Every Journey is a Journey of Self- Discovery, Inspiration and Learning. We need to prepare ourselves to fight against these negative energies within us – Fear, Lust, Anger, Greed, Pride, Envy, Ego, Laziness & our inner Voices.
When we can overcome them, we can create an impactful and inspirational life for ourselves and also help others to achieve the same. It all starts with Awareness and Ends with Consistency of Actions.
If you cried multiple times in private, God will bless you in Public.
TYPE “I AM ABUNDANT” in the chat box to confirm your commitment.
#successgyan #superspeaker #Super500 #inspiretheworld #whatsyourstory #startnow #submissionisthekey #universalplan #abundancemanifestationsbociety
Music – Archetype
Musician – Anno Domino Beats (YouTube Library)"