Embark on an inspiring journey with Ariya Das, a once shy kid from a middle-income Indian family, as he shares his incredible story of self-belief and triumph in overcoming the odds during the tumultuous early years. After believing in himself from middle school onwards, Ariya stormed stages of debates, Model United Nations, JAMs, elocutions, parliamentary debates, business competitions, best manager and chairperson, and winning in London, Paris, and New York. Representing India at the world stage to the White House and the United Nations, Ariya's path has been nothing short of an extraordinary endeavour in believing in himself. He stands proudly as a 2-time Guinness World Record Holder, award-winning writer, one of India’s finest public speakers globally, consults non-profits, and helps manage the La Das Treetops Das Resort near Darjeeling. Join Ariya on this rollercoaster of ups and downs, proving that the path to success begins the day you choose to believe in yourself. #AriyaDas #SelfBelief #SuccessJourney