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Title: From Vulnerable to Unstoppable | Bhakti Kotwal
Author: Bhakti Kotwal
Votes: 528

Views: 588
Description: The creation of this video has not only required my efforts but also pushed me out of my comfort zone and speak out the untold. The platform by Super Speaker has been nothing, but a ‘BOON.’ Life looks glorious, happy and perfect if you see them in pictures posted on social media and that’s exactly what everyone thought about me too , since I am a content creator & a blogger. My pictures may look happy, which in reality most are, but, there was another person taking shelter inside of me who was dealing with major Mental health issues, battling it all alone. I was a very ambitious girl right from my childhood and achieving my goals were never a concern for me, as I thought I had it all figured. But, life chalks out its own story which is unpredictable and most times, out of your control. I would never put myself ahead of anything or anyone. I naively surrendered to being a people pleaser and lost my self worth in the process. A few major personal issues twisted my entire life & made me extremely vulnerable and unknowingly I went into isolation, not everyone noticed. I always put a positive & strong face to hide my real situation and moved forward with my life decisions. It was only after I became a mother, I realised how happy & sad emotions would capture me at the same time. The blessing of Motherhood was divine, yet I was empty & broken from inside. Along with my earlier emotional & mental setbacks, postpartum depression absolutely shook me to the core. However, even after realising & acknowledging my issues, it took me several years to seek professional help and address the issues sensitively. Today, I am still dealing with all those concerns, yet have never been better & felt stronger, as I know I am on the right track of healing. My self doubts are clearing, my confidence is building up and many other positive changes are showing up as I pledge to work on myself everyday. I am a ‘Work in progress,’ hence, my life story is still unfolding. I was called out for trying too many different things and not sticking to one single task, but today, I proudly wear multiple hats and am very happy to be called, ‘The Jack of all trades!’ It’s been 6 years of blogging my way as I passionately write and talk about my journey as a mother and a woman on my blog page. And if I am able to touch and impact even a single person through my work or story, I shall call myself successful. My son who has been a part of my blogging career, is indeed my business partner and I love my work more, because of him. I have also successfully launched a kids story book recently and already on my way to launch other projects which also includes ecological enterprise to save our planet. I am 36, yet I feel like I have just begun my life journey! It’s really never too late to start your journey as ‘YOU’ are the hero of your story , so write it as graciously as you want. It is impossible to feel motivated each day, hence, it’s the discipline that will take you miles and that’s what has been my ‘Mantra’ throughout. All of my achievements & milestones wouldn’t have been possible without my tribe, which is my family and friends that understand me and have given me space to be myself and deal with my issues patiently. Now, I am truly & positively feeling UNSTOPPABLE!