You might wanna stop by to hear my story because I bet you'd relate to.
You have been criticising yourself for years and it hasn't helped so try approving yourself and see what happens. That's exactly what I did and this is my story.
To that young child i knew who was innocent, fearful, low confident, who lost her father at a young age almost forgetting the fact that she was capable of living her dreams or even to dream for that matter, I'd say she has finally succeeded in finding herself who never gave up and simply trusted the process of life.
Having complete faith in myself, I decided to follow my passion and listen to my inner self living each day to its fullest. Even though my journey was not smooth, I am grateful for the lessons i have learnt and that I was willing to change.
I believe this is just the beginning and I have many more to accomplish in life. My journey to set out is always to look within. I look forward to living my life to its best. Gratitude and love always.